Love, Joy, Peace...

The Gathering Church Purpose, Mission and Vision

Our Purpose: To Love God, Love Others and Make Disciples (Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 28:19) through the 5 purposes of “The Gathering Church”- Honor, Connect, Grow, Serve and Reach.


Our Mission: Gather together to practice grace, truth and mercy as demonstrated by our Lord and Savior and to Love God, Love one another and grow a community of mature disciples of Jesus Christ.


Our Vision: The Gathering will be a place where everyone is welcomed and loved.  We will teach the Word of God in a way that will be understood whether you are young or old.  We will strive to be a “Framily” that does life together.  “Framily” is a blend of family and friends and means being a community of loving, healthy, growing and maturing believers who follow Jesus Christ and His teachings.  We will be a light on a hill and a beacon of hope to the lost. 


Our Strategy: To minister the Word of God in a way that both children and adults can come together to hear and understand it.  To experience worship together as a “Framily” and enter God’s presence each week.  We grow as a church as we participate in the five purposes of our church which are: Honor, Connect, Grow, Serve and Reach (Acts 2:42-47)